Guihwa Hwang was born in Korea and came to the U.S. in 1989. She has worked as a reporter for Korean language newspapers for many years, covering stories about immigrant communities, culture and education. In 1996, she won a grant from the Daesan Foundation to translate major Korean literature into English. Her passion for introducing Korean heritage and texts to an English-speaking audience is reflected in her Feral Press stories, which are improvisations on Korean legends. She has become a major translator of Korean fiction and non-fiction works.

Improvisation on The Beautify Lady Sooro ( 2005), 8 ½” x 5 ½” , Number 1 in The Feral Press Korean Culture Series. Cover by John Digby $8.00.

Improvisation of Gutaji (2006), 8 ½” x 5 ½”, Number 2 in The Feral Press Korean Culture Series. Cover by John Digby $8.00.

Improvisation on The Bear and The Tiger (2006), 8 ½” x 5 ½”,  Number 3 in The Feral Press Korean Culture Series. Cover by John Digby $8.00.

Improvisation on Monk Jeongsoo (2006), 8 ½” x 5 ½”,  Number 4 in The Feral Press Korean Culture Series. Cover by John Digby $8.00